
Mistisizmin Ana Hatları

A.C. Bouquet; Sacred Books of The world; Pelican Books, 1955.

A.J. Arberry; The Legacy of Persia; Oxford Uni. Press, 1953.

A.J.Arberry; Sufism; London, 1956.

A.J. Ayer; The Problem of Knowledge; Pelican Books, 1956.

A.E.Taylor; Elements of Metaphysics; Uni. Paperbacks, 1961.

Alfred Guillaume; İslam; Pelican Books, 1954.

Al – Hujwiri; (trans.) R.A. Nicholson; Kasfh Al – Mahjub; Leiden, 1911.

Alexander S. Murray; Manual of Mythology; New York, 1954.

Alson J. Smith; Immorality; New York, 1954.

A.S. Tritton; İslam; H. University; 1954.

A.S. Tritton; Muslim Theology; London, 1947.

Ameer Ali Syed; The Spirit of İslam; London, 1952.

Amme Frementle; The Age of Belief; Mentor Books, 1955.

Amgusto Ri Suner; The Brigde of Life; New York, 1951.

Anton C.Pegis; St. Thomas Aquinas; New York, 1948.

Arthur Walley; The Analects of Confucius; London, 1949.

Auguste Sabatier; Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion; New York, 1957

B.A.G. Fuller; A Histiory of Philosophy; New York, 1945.

Benson Y. Landis; World Religions; New York, 1957.

Blaise Pascal; (trans.) W.F. Trotter; Pensées and The Provincial Letters; New York, 1941.

Blaise Pascal; (trans.), John Warrington; Pensées; New York. 1960.

Bertrand Russell; History of Western Philosophy; London, 1954.

Bertrand Russell; Mysticism and Logic; Pelican Books, 1953.

Benjamin Rand; Modern Classical Philosophy; 2 d. edit.; New York. 1936.

Carl J.Friedrich; The Philosophy of Kant; New York, 1949.

C.E.M. Joad; Guide to Philosophy; New York, 1936.

C.G. Crumps, E.F. Jacob; The Legacy of the Middle Ages; Oxford Uni. Press, 1951.

Chandradhar Sharma; Indian Philosophy; Uni. Paperbacks, 1962.

Christman Humphreys; Zen Buddhism; London, 1961.

Clifford Barrett; Philosophy; New York, 1936.

Cullum; Manifold Unity; London, 1946.

Cyril Bailey; The Legacy of Rome; Oxford Uni. Press, 1951.

D.A. Drennen; A Modem Introduction to Metaphysics; New York, 1962.

Daniel J. Bronstein ve arkadaşları; Basic Problems of Philosophy; 2d. edit.; Prentice Hall, İnc., 1956.

Dagobert D. Runes; Dictionary of Philosophy; New York, 1942.

Dom Cuthbert Butler; Western Mysticism; Arrow Books, 1960

Dwight M. Donaldson; Studies in Muslim Ethics; London, 1953.

E.Allison Peers; The Mystics of Spain; London, 1951.

Edward Conze; Buddhist Scriptures; London, 1959.

Edith B. Schnapper; One in All; London, 1952.

Edwin A. Brutt; The English Philosophers; New York, 1939.

E.J. Thomas; The Road of Nirvana; London, 1950.

E.K. Rand; Founders of the Middle Ages; New York, 1957.

E.T.C. Werner; Myths and Legends of China; London, 1955.

E.R. Dodds; The Greeks; Beacon Prees, 1950.

Ernst Cassier; The Myths of the State; D. Anchor Books, 1955.

Eric B. Ceadel; Literatures of the East; London, 1953.

Ernest Wood; Yoga Dictionary; New York, 1956.

Etienne Gilson; God and Philosophy; Yale Uni. Press, 1959.

Evelyn Underhill; Mysticism; London, 1960.

F.C. Happold; Mysticism; Penguin Books; 1963.

F.C. Copleston; Medieval Philosophy; New York, 1961.

F.J. Sheed; Theology and Sanity; London, 1947.

Frank Gaynor; Dictionary of Mysticism; New York, 1953.

F.M. Conford; From Religion to Philosophy; New York. 1957.

Fung Yu-Lan; A Short History of Chinese Philosophy; New York, 1960.

George Godwin; The Great Mystics; London, 1945.

George Misch; The Dawn of the Philosophy (trans, in ing. Hull); London, 1950.

George Santayana; The Life of Reason; New York, 1954.

George Thomas White Patrick; Introduction to Philosophy; New York, 1924.  

George Boas; Dominant Themes of Modern Philosophy; New York, 1957

G.E. Moore; Some Main Problems of Philosophy; New York, 1958.

Gilbert Mourrey; Five Stages of Greek Religion; New York, 1956.

  1. Garratt; The Legacy of India; Oxford Uni Press, 1938.

George Gaylord Simpson; The Meaning of Evolution; New York, 1955.

G.Murrey Mc Kinley; Evolution: the Ages and Tomorrow; New York, 1936

H.A.R. Gibb; Mohammedanism; Mentor Books, 1955.

H.A.R. Gibb ve J.H. Kramers; Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam; Leiden, 1953.

H.G. Creel; Confucius; London, 1951.

Heinrich Zimmer; Philosophers of India; New York, 1961.

Homer W. Smith; Man and His Gods; New York, 1956.

Hans Kohn; Making of the Modern French Mind; New York, 1955.

  1. Bergson; (ing.te.), Mabelle L. Andison; The Creative Mind; New York, 1946.

H.Bergson; (ing.te.), Arthur Michell; Creative Evolution; New York, 1944.

H.Bergson; (T. te.), Prof. Mustafa Şekip Tunç; Yaratıcı Tekâmül; İstanbul, 1947.

H.A. Larabee; Selections From Bergson; New York, 1949.

Harold H. Titus; Living Issues in Philosophy; New York, 1953.

Horace M. Kallen; The Philosophy of William James. New York, 1953

Hoarace Gregory; Religious Verse; Mentor Books, 1957.

İsrael İ. Mattuck; The Thought of The Prophets; London, 1963.

Jame Harrison; Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion; New York, 1955.

James Collins; The Existentialists; Chicago, 1952.

  1. Donald Butler; Four Philosophies; New York, 1951.
  2. Bishop; Go with God; New York, 1958.

J.H. Badley; Form and Spirit; London, 1951.

John Kingsley Birge; The Bektashi Order of Dervishes; London, 1937.

John Herman Randall; Artistotle; New York, 1960.

J.Windrow Sweetman; Islam and Christian Theology; London, 1946.

Joseph Gaer; How the Great Religions Began; S. Key Book; 1954.

John Dewey; Reconstruction in Philosophy; New York, 1955.

Kenneth Morgan; The Religion of The Hindus; New York, 1953.

Lin Yutang; The Wisdom of Laotse; New York, 1948.

Lin Yutang; The Wisdom of China and India; New York, 1942.

L.W. Grensted; The Psychology of Religion; Oxford Uni. Press, 1952.

Maurice De Wulf; Scholastic Philosophy; New York, 1956.

Maurice De Wulf; Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Age; New York, 1953

Mircea Eliade; Cosmos and History; New York, 1954.

M.M. Sharif; A History of the Muslim Philosophy; Wiesbaden, 1963.

  1. White; Age of Analysis; New York, 1955.

Nyogen Seuzaki and T.S. Mc Candless; Buddhism and Zen; New York, 1953

Paul Radin; Primitive Man as Philosopher; New York, 1957.

Paul Tillich; Systematic Theology; Ch. Uni. Press, 1953.

Peter Anthony Bertocci; Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion; Prentice – Hall, 1956.

P.T. Raju; Idealistic Thought of India; London, 1953.

R.A. Nicholson; Studies in İslamic Mysticism; Camb. Uni. Press, 1921.

R.A. Nicholson; A Literary History of the Arabs; Camb. Uni. Press, 1953

R.A. Nicholson; The Mystics of Islam; London, 1914.

Richard Hope; Aristotle’s Metaphysics; New York, 1952.

R.C. Zaehner; Mysticism Sacred and Profane; Oxford, 1957.

R.W. Livingston; The Legacy of Greece; Oxford Uni. Press, 1951.

Richard Mc Keon; Introduction to Aristotle; New York, 1947.

Radhakrishnan; Indian Philosophy; London, 1948.

Randall and Buchler; Philosophy: An introduction; New York, 1955

Sir Firozkhan Noor; India; London, 1941.

Sir Thomas Arnold and A. Gulliaume; The Legacy of İslâm; Oxford Uni. Press, 1931.

Saxe Commins and R.N. Linscott; The Speculative Philosophy; New York, 1954.

Saxe Commins and R.N. Linscott; Philosophy of Science; New York, 1954

Susanne K. Langer; Philosophy in a New Key; New York, 1952

  1. Rooth; Indian Philosophy; London, 1984.

Stephen Mackenna; Plotinus The Enneads; London.

Swami Prabhevananda and Christopher İsherwood; Bhagavad-Gita; Mentor Book, 1956.

Swami Prabhevananda and Frederick Manchester; The Upanishads Breath of the Eternal; Mentor Book, 1957.

S.Radhakrishnan and C.A. Moore; A Source Book in Indian Philosophy; Princton Uni. Press 1957.

Sidney Spencer; Mysticism in World Religion; Penguin Books, 1963.

T.V. Smith; From Aristotle to Plotinus; Ch. Uni. Press, 1956.

Vergilius Ferm; Encyclopedia of Religion; New York, 1945.

Walter T. Stace; The Teachings of the Mystics; Mentor Book, 1960.

Walter R. Agard; The Greek Mind; Canada, 1957.

W.D. Ross; Aristotle Selections; New York, 1938.

W.G. De Burgh; The Legacy of the Ancient World; London, 1961.

W.D. Lamont; The Principles of Moral Judgement; Oxford Uni. Press, 1946.

  1. Earl Biddle; Integration of Religion and Psychiatry; New York, 1955

W.R. İnge ; Mysticism in Religion; London.

W.R. İnge ; Christian Mysticism; New York, 1956:

W.R. İnge ve arkadaşları; Radhakrishnan; 1951.

W.R. İnge; The Philosophy of Plotinus; London, 1948.

  1. Mont Gomery Watt; Muslim intellectual; Ed. Uni. Press, 1963.

William P. Alston ve G.N.; Readings in Twentieth Century Philosophy; New York, 1963.

Will Durant; The age of Faith; New York, 1950.

Will Durant; Our Oriental Heritage; New York, 1954.

Will Durant; The Story of Philosophy; New York, 1926.

William James; The Varieties of Religious Experience; New York, 1929

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Abdurrahman Câmî; Ed – Durret’ul – Fâhire; Mısır 1328.

Abdulkadir Geylânî; Min kitab’il – Fâhire; Mısır, 1359.

Abdulvehab Şa’rânî; Tabakât’ul – Kübra ; Mısır.

Abdurrahman Sülemî; Tabakât’us – Sûfiye; Mısır. 1953.

Abdurrahman Şafiî; Nüzhet’ul – Mecalis ve Müntehab’un – Nefais; Mısır, 1370.

Abdulaziz Ed-Deyrînî; Taharet’ul – Kulûb; Mısır, 1296.

Abdulhakim Hassan; Et – Tasavvuf fi Şi’r’il – Arabi; Mısır, 1954.

Cemaleddin el-Cevzî; Safvet’us – Safve; Haydarabad, 1355.

El – Aş’arî; Makalât’ul – İslamiyyin ; Mısır, 1950.

Ebu Bekr Muhammed el – Kilâbâzî; Kitab’ut – Taarruf li – Mezheb’i ehl’it- Tasavvuf; Mısır, 1932.

Ebû Tâlib el-Mekkî; Kuvvet’ul – Kulûb; Mısır, 1932.

Fahrettin Râzî; Esas’ut – Takdis; Mısır, 1328.

Fahrettin Râzî; El – Mebâhis’ul – Maşrikiyye fi İlm’il – İlâhiyyat v’at- Tabîiyyat; Haydarabad, 1343.

Gazâlî; İhya’u Ulum’id – Din; Mısır, 1306.

Gazâlî; El – Cevâhir’ul – Gavâlî (Kimyaussaade, risaletulledunniyye, Mişkâtülenvar’ı muhtevidir); Mısır, 1934.

Goldzieher; M. Yusuf..; El-Akide v’aş-Şerîa fi’l- İslam; Mısır, 1946.

İbn Kuteybe ed – Diyneverî; El – Maarif; Mısır, 1934.

İbn Kayyim el-Cevziyye; Kitab’ur – Ruh; Haydarabad, 1324.

İbn Rüşt; Kitab’un – Nefs; Haydarabad, 1947.

İbn Sînâ; (Neşr.), Ord. Prof. H.Z. Ülken; Kitab’ul – Fark beyn’er- Ruh v’an – Nefs; İstanbul, 1953.

İbn Arabî; Istılah’us – Sûfiyye; İstanbul, 1298.

İsmail Hakkı Bursavî; Kitab’un – Necat; İstanbul, 1298.

Kuşeyrî; Risalet’ul – Kuşeyriyye; Mısır, 1940.

Mehmet Reşit Rıza; Medâric’us – Sâlikin; Mısır, 1331.

Mehmet Ali et-Tahanevî; Keşşaf -u Istılahât’il – Funûn; İstanbul, 1367.

Mes’ûdî; Murûc’uz – Zeheb ve Maadin’ul – Cevher; Mısır, 1948.

Nicholson; (Arap, te.), Ab’ul – Alâ Afifi; Fi’t – Tasavvuf’il- İslâmî ve Tarihihi; Mısır,

Nicholson; (Arap, te.), Nureddin Şeribe; Es – Sûfiyye fi’l – İslam; Mısır, 1117.

Sühreverdî; Avârif’ul – Maarif; (İhyau’l – Ulum’un hâmişinde); Mısır, 1306.

Seyyid Ali Halidi; Câmiu’l- Usûl; Şam, 1176.

Seyyid Şerif Curcânî; Et – Ta’rifât; Mısır, 1938.

Şehristanî; El – Milel v’an-Nihal; Mısır, 1949.

Tûsî; Keşf’ul – Murad; Çaphane, 1367.

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  1. Cresson; (T. te.), Ord. Prof. Suud Kemâl Yetkin ve H. Akverdi; Felsefe Meselelerinin bügünkü durumu; Ankara, 1943

Abdurrahman Câmi; (T. te.), Lamiî; Nefehât’ül- Üns; İstanbul, 1270.

Abdünnâfî’; Müntehabât-ı nâfia-ı risale-i Kuşeyriyye; İstanbul, 1307.

Abdülbâkî Gölpınarlı; Mevlâna Celâleddin; İstanbul, 1951.

Ahmet (Taşköprü Zade); (T. te.), Kemalettin Mehmet; Mevzuat’ûl – Ulum; İstanbul, 1313.

Alfred Weber; (T. te.), Prof. Halil Vehbi Eralp; Felsefe Tarihi; İstanbul, 1949.

Bertrand Russell; (T. te.), Y. Şerif Kılıçel; Mistiklik ve Mantık; İstanbul, 1935.

Cavit Sunar; Vahdet-i Şııhûd Vahdet-i Vücût Meselesi; Ankara, 1960.

De Lacy O’Leary; (T. te.), Doç. Dr. Hüseyin Yurtlaydın ve Dr. Yaşar Kutluay; İslam Düşüncesi ve Tarihteki Yeri; Ankara, 1959.

Eflâtun; (T. te.), Erol Güney ve Lütfi Ay; Timaios; İstanbul, 1943.

Ferit; Vahdet-i Vücud; İstanbul, 1331.

Ferideddin Âttar; (T. te.), Abdülbâkî Gölpınarlı; Mantık’ut- Tayr; İstanbul, 1963.

Ferideddin Attar; (T. te.), Nuri Gencosman; Pendname; Ankara, 1946.

Ferideddin Attar; (T. te.), M.Z.K.; Tezkeret’ul – Evliya ; İstanbul, 1964.

Fahreddin Irâkî; (T. te.), Safvet Yetkin; Parıltılar; İstanbul, 1948.

Gazali; (T. te.), Mustafa Rahmi; Kımyâ-ı Saadet; İstanbul, 1953.

Gazali; (T. te.), Sait ve Zihni Efendiler; El – Münkız min’ad- Dalâl; İstanbul, 1289.

Hilmi Ziya Ülken (Ord. Prof.) ; İslâm Düşüncesi; İstanbul, 1946.

İbn Hâldûn; (T. te.), Ahmet Cevdet; Mukaddeme-i İbn Hâldûn Tercümesi; İstanbul, 1277.

İsmail Fennî; Vahdet-i Vücût ve Muhyiddin Arabî; İstanbul, 1928.

İsmail Hakkı İzmirli; Yeni ilm-i Kelâm; İstanbul, 1339 – 1341.

İsmail Fennî; Maddiyyun Mezhebinin İzmihlali; İstanbul, 1928.

İsmail Hakkı (Erzurumlu); Ma’refetname; İstanbul, 1330.

İsmail Ankaravî; Minhâc’ül – Fukara; İstanbul, 1286.

Laura Veccia Vaglieri; (T. te.), A. Reşit, H. Nazım; İslâmlık; İstanbul, 1946.

Macit Gökberk (Prof. Dr.); Felsefe Tarihi; Istanbul, 1961.

Mehmet İsmail; (T. te.), Ahmet Muhtar; Mir’ât’uş – Şuhûd li Seyyid’il – Vücûd; İstanbul, 1311.

Mehmet Sait; Gülşen-i Maarif; İstabul, 1252.

Mehmet Emin; Kant ve Felsefesi; İstanbul, 1339.

  1. Şemseddin; Felsefe-i Ûlâ; İstanbul, 1339 – 1341.

Mehmet Ali Aynî; Tasavvuf Tarihi; İstanbul, 1341.

Mehmet Ali Aynî; İntikad ve Mülâzahalar; İstanbul, 1339.

Suphi Edhem; Bergson ve Felsefesi; İstanbul, 1919.

Şeyh Şafvet; Tasavvufun Zaferleri; İstanbul, 1343.

Von Aster; (T. te.), Prof. Macit Gökherk; Felfese Tarihi Dersleri; İstanbul, 1943.

Walter Rubin; (T. te.), Ziya Şanbey; Eski Hint Tarihi; Ankara, 1946.

Walter Rubin; (T. te.), Prof. Dr. Abidin İtil; Budizm Tarihi; Ankara, 1947.


Kitapta, genelliklerinden dolayı, Türkçe veya kendi telâffuz şekilleri altında kullanılan belli başlı terimler:

Aksiyon Action – Etki, Eylem; Fiil, Tesir
Aktif Actif — Etkin; Faal
Aktivite Activité – Etkinlik; Faaliyet, Fâiliyet
Analiz Analyse — Çözümleme; Tahlil
Diskürsif Discursif — Gidimli; Bahsî
Emosyon Emotion — Heyecan
Emosyonel İng. Emotional – Kalp heyecanı nevinden olan
Entelekt Intellect – Anlık ; Fâhime, Müdrike
Entelektüel İntellectuel – Anlıksal; Zihnî
Entüvisyon İntuition — Sezgi; Hads
Entüvitif İntuitif — Sezgisel; Hadsî
Extroversive Extroverti – Dışa dönük
Fakülte Faculté – Yeti; Kuvve, Meleke
Fenomen Phénomène — Olay, Hâdise
Fenomenal Phénoménal – Olaysal; Hâdisî
İllüminasyon İllumination – Kalbe doğuş; İşrak
İmmanans immanence – İndimac
İmmanan immanent — İçkin; Mündemiç
Introversive Introverti – İçe dönük
Kontamplasyon Contemplation – Murakabe, Müşahede
Kontamplâtif Contemplatif – Murakıp ; Müşahit veya Müşahedeye ait
Mister Mystere – Sır, hikmet, gizli hikmet
Potansiyel Potentiel – Meknî, gizli
Rölativite Relativité – Görelilik; İzafiyet
Rölatif Relatif—Göre; İzafî
Spritüel Sprituel – Tinsel ; Ruhanî, Manevî, gayri cismanî
Sansasyon Sensation – Duyum; İhsas
Sansasyonel Sensationel – Duyuma ait
Transandans Transcendance — Taâlî
Transandan Transcendant — Aşkın; Müteâl
Transandantal Transcendantal – Deney üstü; Müteâlî